Sep 21, 2011

Must-See Education Movies

Over the course of my last two years studying Secondary and Special Education I have come across a number of fantastic documentaries that are must-sees for all people with an interest in education.  As I myself have a chance to watch them I'll post my thoughs on them

Race to Nowhere
I had a chance to see this documentary over the summer and it was eye-opening.  It is hard to imagine an environment that is so counterproductive for healthy student learning.  Whether or not you end up agreeing entirely or at all with the opinions presented in this documentary (some are related to specific situations/schools/students that might not apply if looked at on a larger scale) it is a great way to reflect on your teaching strategies/styles or even just an educational environment you have an interest in (i.e. your children, your school district, etc).

I highly recommend seeing this and feel free to post your thoughts here!


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